On Sunday, we had a “celebration of life” service to honor my Mom. As most of you know she passed away on March 5, 2010, but this was our first opportunity for the entire family to be back in my hometown. The service was a beautiful time of reflection on the legacy, the ministry and the life of the woman I was honored to call my Mom. The turnout was amazing and the words that many spoke to me before and after the service were a testimony to the impact that one person can make when dedicated to two things.

Loving Jesus…Loving people.

One of the many women that my Mom impacted stood up and shared her story with us during an open time of sharing. She shared that she was broken and how my Mom reached out to her at a very low point in her life. She said that it made all of the difference to her and her faith and now she is well on her way to recovery. Then she said three words I will never, ever forget. She said “your Mom looked at me and saw that……I was fixable”.

Man I love that.

“I was fixable”. The more I reflected on that in the hours that followed the service, I couldn’t help but think about how we all are fixable. We’re all broken and for that reason, we are fixable. What many of us need most often is someone to care. We need someone else to see that we are fixable and show us the way. We need to be that someone to others as well. Think about that today.

If you’re broken……know that you’re fixable

If you’re not broken….find someone that is.

Let them know….they are fixable.