Ever since completing 4 half marathons in 4 cities in 4 straight weekends, I have been struggling. The motivation to get out there and run again has been very hard to find. Higher temperatures and humidity have not helped the cause, but that isn’t the only reason why. I watch people out running by my home office window all day long. I’ve been out a few times, but haven’t enjoyed a single moment of it. I think the answer is simple….

I don’t have a point on the horizon anymore.

For months, there was this huge task that was my point on the horizon. I knew it was coming and I knew I didn’t want to fail. It was all the motivation I needed each day to get out there and put in the work. Without it, I can’t seem to muster the desire. Donald Miller said it best in the book “A Million Miles in a Thousand Years”:

It’s true that while ambition creates fear, it also creates the story. But it’s a good trade, because as soon as you point toward a horizon, life no longer feels meaningless. And suddenly there is a risk in your story and a question about whether you’ll make it.

There it is. Prior to the races, I had a point on the horizon and something that gave me meaning and purpose. As I type this, I wonder if I better find another point on the horizon soon. I could “wait on God” to point me to one, but, if I am honest, it is like singing “bring the rain“. I’m not sure I would be ready for the storm. Don’t get me wrong, this isn’t all about running. I’m actually referring to a much broader perspective. Running just happens to be the analogy. I need a purpose, a drive, an adventure. I need a point on the horizon. Until I find it, I’ll keep you posted.

YOUR TURN: What is your point on the horizon?