This weekend we were talking to a friend that was recently in Charlotte, North Carolina. As soon as I heard the words Charlotte, chill bumps went up both arms. There is something magical about that city. A few days later, a rabbit trail led me back to a post I wrote when we had sold our home and were headed to Charlotte. There was so much excitement and unknown in that post. I also found this post which looked at what might have been if we would have made the move.  The more I reflected on that time, I should have built an altar somewhere….

Throughout scripture, we see times when God would instruct people to build an altar to remember what He had done. The landscape of the Old Testament is littered with little rock piles to God’s faithfulness and teaching. Yet there isn’t a single rock pile in my backyard.

All to often I forget.

All too often I move on and don’t look back.

He is faithful and I am forgetful.

It is good to remember the times that God was faithful and lessons learned because it shows us He will be faithful again. I spent some time reviewing all of the Charlotte related posts as my devotional this morning. It was a blessing. It was a reminder. I think the lesson here is that God wanted to show me His faithfulness and my forgetfulness. I’m not sure I need rock piles but I do need to acknowledge and remember.

It’s the least I can do…