The bags are packed and the van is ready to go. The excitement that is building within me cannot be explained. If you know me you know that I love North Carolina. I love the State, the beaches, the sky, the white rocking chairs and of course the Basketball team! Tomorrow morning we push off to Raleigh and will spend the evening a stones throw away from Chapel Hill (Mecca). I am already plotting how I will make a late night run over to campus with “the boy” so we can touch the sacred soil. On Sunday we will complete the journey to the beaches of Outer Banks. Assuming I have no wi-fi, the blog might be quiet for a week or so.

While I am gone, enjoy this number from the UNC Clefhangers. They are just another thing that makes the University of North Carolina my favorite place on earth. I’m sure I’ll hit up twitter from the sands of Outer Banks. Happy Fathers Day to all you Dads out there! Until next week….I’m GONE to Carolina!!!