I might be alone in this one but when I go to a sporting event and have to do stand for the National Anthem, I don’t often consider the words and take them to heart. I just repeat it in monotone like everyone else in the ballpark. When it’s over, it’s back to the game.

I’m just being honest.

This week I read that Carrie Underwood surprised her new husband at their wedding by having Brandon Heath sing his song “Love Never Fails” (below) for their first dance. I have been keeping that song warm all week and repeating the lyrics in my head. Incredible song.

I wonder if I haven’t been treating the Love chapter found in 1 Corinthians 13 like I treat the National Anthem. Deep down I know it’s really important and deserves my respect, but whenever I read or hear it, I just mumble through it like there’s a ballgame waiting to be played when I’m finished.

I’m just being honest.

Over the next few weeks I am going to spend time really reading through 1 Corinthians 13. I plan on doing a series of posts reflecting on some of the verses as well. If you feel like you have been treating these important verses like the National Anthem too, then join me won’t you? Maybe together we will discover new things about this crazy little thing called love.

Journey starts on Monday.