This is the first birthday I will celebrate since my Mom passed in March. From what my Sister and Dad have told me, she very much wanted to make the trip from Houston to Columbus to celebrate my 40th birthday. Just knowing that it was that important to her is so special to me. While I miss her, I am so thankful for the time we shared over these 40 years.

Last night, my Wife presented me with this letter. While the keystrokes came from her hand, I believe it was a message sent from Heaven. I cannot express how much I appreciate my bride being the vessel to deliver such beautiful words. I was blessed with a wonderful mother and am blessed with a bride that literally hears from heaven. From my wife:

I believe the Lord spoke to me while running the other day. He said…tell Him. I
said…okay. My love, if your Mom could be here today, I believe she would say something like this…

Dear Aaron,
I love you. I loved you from the first moment I knew about you. I would just think and think about you. I wondered what color eyes I would look at, how your little fingers would feel in my hands, what dreams God would place on your heart that would carry on throughout your life. Today you are 40. Today I love you with all that I am. I am very proud of you. I am proud of your heart for your Lord. I am proud of your love for your sister and your father. I am proud of the love you have for your wife. I am proud of your love for your children. You are carrying out the legacy that I dreamed of the day I found out about you. You and me against the world…

Aaron, I know your battles. I know your struggles. I know your strongholds. I know your weaknesses. Nothing is too big for Him. Never forget that.

Aaron, I’m sorry. I’m sorry I can’t be with you today. I’m sorry that my will to live just couldn’t hold on. I want you to know, I was there. I heard every word. I appreciate your love more than you will ever know. I appreciate your patience with me. I appreciate
your heart, it’s a heart after God’s, as it shows.

Aaron, never forget to love your family. Next to God, they are your first priority. You are raising Austin, Emma, and Brynn to be the ones to carry on His plan for their lives, and it will affect so many others.

Never forget that I love you. I can’t wait to see you soon.
