I don’t know about you (or if anyone is even reading this series), but I’m about done with this Love Chapter from 1 Corinthians 13. I’ve had enough. It’s too convicting and I don’t like being uncomfortable. Not really but there is probably something to be said there….

Confession time….I’m moody. I mean really moody. I can change a mood in an instant and leave all of those around me wondering what just happened. A majority of the time, I like to laugh and have a good time. There are moments, times, days, when I can be so rude I can’t stand myself. I’m not sure how my family puts up with it. Honestly.

I once had a friend that was REALLY rude. She made no apology for it. Straight forward. Blunt. Rude. She would even say “I know I’m rude, it’s just the way I am”.

Is that okay? Is my saying that I am moody and just moving on without a second thought okay? Something tells me that Paul is saying otherwise. Actually, he’s pretty clear when he says “It is not rude”. Pretty tough to just pass that one by. That’s what makes this whole deeper dive into the love chapter so tough. It needs to be examined and not dismissed.

It is not rude.

I’ve got a lot to work on and we’re not even through the 5th verse yet….