Why oh why must this stuff all come together at once! Like the great philosopher George Costanza once said “Worlds are colliding and George is gettin’ upset!!!“. This weekend I had the opportunity to walk a mile in my wife’s shoes. Before you think I tried on a pair of her high heels, it’s a phrase, not literal. I am so glad she had the opportunity to attend “She Speaks” for the third time. It is a time of renewal for her and she really deserves it. It does, however, leave me in charge of the troops while she is gone.

“It is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered,”

Jumping back into this series on 1 Corinthians 13, I had to laugh when I reflected on the next two characteristics of love. I have spent the past 72 hours as a single Dad and wow….I appreciate my wife even more. I’ll be really honest and say that I have GREAT kids. Honestly. They made my job really easy. They help around the house and are great fun to be with. They rarely argue and when they do, it’s very brief. Its the details where things get pretty messy.

I stink at details.

My wife ROCKS at details

We’ve missed a lot of details while she has been gone (brushing hair, packing water, etc…)

The role of my wife is one which requires dying to self. It requires putting your agenda on the back burner to focus on the three other little people. As if that wasn’t enough, it doesn’t get easily angered. Kids can do that. Picking up the same pair of socks, 10 or 11 times a day can do that. Complaining, and whining can easily anger. The list goes on and on.

My wife is a great example of love in that she is not self seeking and easily angered. She has the patience of a saint and always sacrifices for our children. I got a glimpse this weekend of what that job looks like and she is much more qualified then I. She better models these traits of love. I’m glad she’s coming home today. I need to watch her more closely to see if I can learn them too.