My running has been a mess lately. It’s been a battle. Ever since completing the 4 half marathons in 4 straight weekends, something just hasn’t been the same. Add the high temperatures and humidity and training this summer has been no joy. What makes it difficult is knowing that I’ve got a half marathon scheduled for September 18th in Dayton. It’s too late to just quit. I often wonder how I’ll get through that race though.

As I was getting ready to head out on a training recently, I glanced over to the book shelf in my office and what you see in the picture caught my eye. Several very clear things ran through my mind at that moment.

He carried me through before, He will carry me through again

He’s been faithful

You see, any accomplishments I have were nothing I did on my own. Credit is due and it wasn’t me. The Lord has carried me through life and every race I have run (figuratively and literally). I walked out of the house with a renewed purpose and reminder that God has been faithful. I’d like to say my run was awesome that day, but it wasn’t.

His promise is still true.

Throughout the Bible, we see times where God reminds his people that he was faithful. While there are not medals to mark the moments, we have memories. We can also see his faithfulness all around us. Maybe it’s your spouse, your children, your home, your job, your health….he’s been faithful. These reminders are there to serve that He will be again.

Your Turn: What reminder do you have today that God has been faithful?