Ever wanted to create a poster of your favorite picture and hang it in your house? I know I have a few that I would love to have full size. Well thanks to the fine people at LargeFormatPosters.com, I can make someone’s picture come true. LargeFormatPosters.com is a web site that can create print on canvas and Large Format Posters at great prices. That’s why I was willing to partner with them and give a little something away. Here is what you’ll receive –

Giveaway Prize:

16×20 Rolled Canvas Print
Limited to US residents; 18 years old and above

So how do you enter? I’m glad you asked. Leave me a comment with the idea you have for your photo. Extra points if you have a link to said photo (not required). Let me know why you think you should be the one to receive the free Rolled Canvas Print. I’ll choose the winner tomorrow evening. This is a quick contest so get your comments in right away. I’m told that the prizes will be sent on, or before the end of the month.

What would you create and why?