I started this blog when we were expecting our youngest child over 5 years ago. It has become a blog about our family (among many other things). In many ways, it has been a blog about the relationship between my son (“the boy”) and I. Thus the name “Arms Wide Open” from the Creed song by the same name which was popular when he was born.

With basketball season not too far away, I extended the offer to him a few weeks ago to share the first mile with me on my weekly runs. Surprisingly he accepted right away. Over the course of the past few weeks he has twice completed a 4 mile run on his own choosing. As I said on twitter tonight, the pace isn’t important. The time together, step by step, sharing the journey is. Just as in life, it’s my goal to run alongside (not in front or behind) and see him through to the finish of whatever he does.

While the physical exercise is great for us both, his spiritual training is an area that I am challenged to really do a better job with. My wife has done a tremendous job starting their days with “Jesus Time” and keeping their devotions a priority. But lately I have felt convicted to take a more active role in his spiritual maturity and faith too. As the guy that he often imitates (if I like it or not), I need to lead by example. I need to walk step by step with him as we both grow in our faith.

On Sunday night we will begin a series utilizing the I Am Second resources. Dad’s I would like to challenge you to consider doing the same with your boys. The web site is full of videos from athletes, coaches, artists and stars they know and admire. It is the perfect introduction to the concept of placing Jesus in his rightful order of our lives. I’ll keep you posted on our progress and I hope you do the same.

On the journey….