This morning I was going through my Google Reader feeds and found a quote that caused me to pause. It wasn’t credited to anyone, but I have been thinking about it all day. It simply asked:

“When was the last time you did something for the first time?”

What a great question. I paused and thought about it for a moment and I’m happy to say it wasn’t that long ago. On Saturday I participated in a cornhole tournament for the first time. Thanks to our good friends Matt and Rachel Wojnarowski, I had the opportunity to do something I have never done for the first time. While I have NO SKILL when it comes to cornhole, Matt was able to carry us to the final 5 teams. It was a great time.

I can honestly say that, thanks to my wife, my life has been richer. Our calendar is full of events and appointments to try new things with our kids. We go on bike rides, have bonfires in the backyard, go to the park and many other places. Each time I find myself feeling more fulfilled knowing I’ve tried something new, seen someplace different, cherished a new memory. Her passion for life is contagious.

I don’t know where this post finds you today. Maybe it’s time to try something for the first time.

You’ll be glad you did.