On Sunday morning I was working the table to distribute tickets for the Evening with David Pendleton at Journey Church. As people would arrive at the table, they would issue their request for the number of tickets they would like. One man approached and when I asked how many he would like he simply said “just one”. I’m sitting here today and those two words continue to haunt my very core.

“Just one”

When I think back over the entire morning, I am reminded that this kind man sat just a few seats down from me during the service. He arrived late so we missed the traditional “greeting time”. With the rush at the end of the service I never thought to extend a handshake or catch his name. I grabbed the opportunity while I gave him his ticket and encouraged him to take two..”maybe for a friend”. He then said it again…

“Just one”

Today my heart and soul are heavy for this man and anyone else that feels “just one”. As John Ortberg once wrote “With billions of people in the world, someone should figure out a system where no one is lonely” (Everybody’s Normal Till You Get To Know Them). Ortberg also pointed out that someone did…God did. Our churches, our small groups, our circles of influence are all places where no one should ever have to say “just one”.

While today I think of this man, I’m thankful he found his way to a church like Journey Church. I whisper a praise that we crossed paths. I’m terrible with names but I remember his. God has written it on my heart. If I didn’t have plans the evening of the David Pendleton show (“the boy” and I are going to be rocking our socks off at the Thousand Foot Krutch concert), I would offer to go with him. As you go about your day today, keep an eye out for those alone. Listen for Gods prompting so that no one will have to say

“just one….”