Yesterday morning Journey Church had the distinct honor and privilege of having Dr. Bill Brown and OneVoice from Cedarville University join us for our Sunday Service. “OneVoice” tore a hole in the roof at the Dublin Recreation Center where we meet by lifting their voices and flat-out bringing some worship. By the time they were done, you knew you had been to church. I pray THAT is how we worship in Heaven. Man it was awesome (see clips below).

Dr. Brown (President of Cedarville University) then delivered a message entitled “Hope For The Journey”. You can hear the entire message (HERE). I have heard Dr. Brown on a few other occasions and looked forward to yesterday morning with eager anticipation.

He didn’t disappoint.

Dr. Brown focused on two things that our culture is currently consumed by…”Self” and “The Future is Bleak”. There was one point that stood out to me louder than any other. Dr Brown told the story of being in college during the USA’s “Miracle” Olympic hockey run in the 80’s. He was unable to watch the memorable game against Russia but heard the outcome the day it happened. The next day, they replayed the game so he got the opportunity to watch it. To paraphrase what he said:

“As I watched the game, there were times when Russia was beating the USA badly. The truth is I never got too down or defeated watching it. The reason why is because I knew the outcome….”

Dr. Brown then reminded us of Jesus words in John 14 :1-7 and that no matter what we are going through, no matter how bleak the future may look…we know the outcome. We know who wins. Knowing what we know, it’s gonna be alright. It might not be today. It might not be tomorrow. In the end it’s gonna be alright. I was so encouraged by that. It’s what Jesus was trying to tell his disciples at that moment as well.

It’s gonna be alright…..

So let’s worship like OneVoice today and look to our future where we get to do this all day long!!