Last night I received a note on facebook from a college friend. After some discussion and prayer, my wife and I made a commitment to help as best we can. Thanks to the internet and social media, I have the blessing of being able to spread the word to each of you as well. Below are excerpts from my dear friend Nicolle’s note:

“My husband David has been volunteering, working and building relationships in Haiti since the earthquake hit on January 12. Just two months prior we launched a non-profit called Eyes Wide Open International fulfilling a life long dream to help widows and orphans locally and around the world. Right now we have two projects one in Romania and one in Haiti. Both projects are currently concentrating on getting food to those trapped in deep poverty. We also work alongside local ministries that do food distribution in Logan county.

I have been back and forth to Romania and Haiti over the past two years. In Romania, I have looked into the eyes of a 90 year old woman as she stirred a giant galvanized steel pan filled with clay to patch her house before winter. With a tear stained face she shared her story of hunger and loss. In Haiti, I saw the faces, heard the laughter and learned the names of more than 87 orphans. All of them have no food and no hope for food. It takes $2 a day to feed a Haitian Orphan and $4 a day to feed a Romanian widow. We are trying to raise money quickly to put food in their bellies. We have had two garage sales that raised more than $2,000 and we hosted a Golf Marathon event but we are $2,350 short of our goal.

David and I each committed to give $1 per hole for each hole golfed. David golfed 100 holes. We are looking for people who will consider matching our pledge. 100% of the profits will go directly to feed widows and orphans through the projects we are working on in Romania and Haiti. None of it will go to overhead or budgets.


I share this because I know the hearts of many of you that read this. I also don’t know who else reads that I might not be aware of. If there is one thing that Jesus was clear about it was helping the less fortunate, the orphan and the widow. We can argue about buildings, churches, philosophies and worship styles all day long, but Jesus made this one easy. We are called to be the hands and feet. We are called to help those that can’t help themselves.

To offer a donation to Eyes Wide Open International, you can do so (HERE)

To learn more about their ministry, you can do so (HERE)

May God bless each of you that can offer something. May God also richly bless the gift. I appreciate your support.