On Sunday, I will lace up my Nikes and hit the streets of Columbus for Half Marathon number 12 in the last 2 years. I’ll be battling some sore achillies, and tired legs to finish this one but here’s the deal….

It’s not about me….

This race is about my wife who has trained very hard the last several months for this final (wink, wink, nudge, nudge) Full Marathon. It is about her early morning wake-up calls and runs to not interfere with her role as a Mom and Wife. It’s about her commitment to seeing this through all 26.2 miles and honoring the obedience to do whatever God has called her to do…even if it means running a marathon.

This race is about several friends that are hitting the pavement for their first Half Marathons. I’ve followed their journeys on Twitter and facebook and cannot wait to see them finish strong. As in life, there is no greater joy than sharing the journey and seeing your friends reach the potential that God has given each one of them. Each of you will do GREAT!

Last but certainly not least, this race is about Phil Brabbs. If you’ve followed the blog, you will remember I put out a call for a cause or a reason to run this one. Thanks to a mutual friend I was made aware of Phil and his courageous battle to find a cure for Multiple Myeloma. Over the past few weeks I have had the privilege to connect with Phil and I cannot wait to run these miles for this guy. I will run them for his courage. I will run them for his family. I will remember his strength when mine is starting to fade. I will remember his call to Dominate this disease as the voices to quit start to creep into my head. This race is for Phil and it is my distinct honor to run it for him. I’ll be wearing the CancerKicker Dominate T-Shirt and look at it often as I take this race one step at a time.

Watch this video and tell me that you wouldn’t want to run 13.1 for this guy too. Huge respect for his enthusiasm and his courage. Phil….I told you we’d Dominate. Let’s roll!!!!

For more on how you can help support Phil and the entire CancerKicker.org team, visit them (HERE).