It’s been awhile since I created a new playlist from the ground up. It’s LONG overdue. While I love the playlists I have used in the past, they are the same playlists that I listen to every single time I hit the streets for a run. You will note that this list is heavy on the Thousand Foot Krutch. They are my current band of choice and certainly when it comes to running. I tend to like the rhythm of an electric guitar or a strong rap to keep the beat. It also allows my mind to focus on the music and not the task at hand.

I’m sure you’ll note a few strange songs in there as well (Miley Cyrus??) but they are added to think of each of my kids throughout the race. They are “our songs”. It really helps when they come on to carry me another 1/2 mile or so. As always, this playlist should include the warning that it’s all about the beat. Ladies and gentleman, I give you my playlist for the 2010 Columbus Half Marathon.