To those outside of Ohio and especially Cleveland, this post probably won’t mean much. It might even come off as a bit odd, but like the old saying goes…you had to be there. I’ve said it more times then I can count but I grew up in Cleveland, Ohio. We’ve all seen the lowlight reel of Cleveland sports failures (over and over and over again). Outside Ohio, they probably are a good punchline. In Ohio and Cleveland, it’s like ripping a band aid off of a wound (over and over and over again). People in Cleveland work hard and live through their sports teams. It’s a large part of their community.

In July we got to watch our favorite son tell the world on National TV that he was “taking his talents to South Beach”. Despite what you read and see on edited clips, the City of Cleveland did just fine in their response (excluding Dan Gilberts Comic Sans rant which I fully support). Last night was the first time that I can remember that the city got to turn the page, have closure and start a new era.

Earnest Byner didn’t get to

Craig Ehlo never got the chance

Jose Mesa is still not real popular in Central Ohio

But last night…oh was it something special. Let’s take a step back and start with Opening night when the Celtics beat “King James” and his Miami Heat. Everyone in the ABM (Anyone But Miami) club celebrated the victory. In a “God doesn’t hate Cleveland Sports” scheduling gem, those same Celtics came to Cleveland last night in the first game without “The king”.

The Celtics are loaded…the Cavaliers are not.

The Celtics are picked to finish the season at the top…the Cavaliers are not

In fairness, the Celtics are old and were coming off an emotional win the night before. But that didn’t matter last night. What mattered is that “The Q” was jumping, sold out and electric. The people of Cleveland got to “witness” what TEAM basketball looks like. They got to see that there really is no “I” in TEAM. We know this team wont compete for a title. We know this will be a long year. We know that Miami will get it all together and most likely win the title. But for one night and one night only, the City of Cleveland got closure. The wound that was opened in July healed last night. Now we can all get back to life AL (after Lebron). It was only one night but it was awesome.

Go Cavs!