If you’ve followed the blog long, you know that if I post an opportunity to give or support, it is usually for something near and dear to my heart. Since the time I was born (literally), one of the closest people to my heart is my sister (left in image). She inspires me with her ability to raise and homeschool 4 children. She ran her first half marathon before I ever ran a mile. She has a HUGE heart and you can read that below. To know her is to know the heart of Jesus. Please read this opportunity to support her race for a friend and pray that God would direct you to give if you feel led. Thanks for being a community of people that carry that mat.

Tina Shinn’s Personal Fundraising Page Raising Money For CanCare of Houston

I moved to Houston from Ohio about a year ago, leaving behind a VERY dear friend. Our friendship is one that few are blessed to experience in their lifetime. Stella changed my life. She blessed my days. We ruined car transmissions, together. We fixed toilets, together. We prayed over our children, together. We made countless trips to the grocery store, together. It was like we were created to do life, TOGETHER. Leaving her and her family was one of the hardest things I have ever had to do.

In September my world was rocked to hear her tell me she had cancer. Every phone call with more bad news made me feel as if I was failing her – I should be there. I want to take those few steps across our yards to bring her a meal, give her a hug, help her care for her husband who has advanced Lou Gehrig’s disease, or just simply listen. I feel so helpless 1300 miles away from a friend whom I love so dearly.

Raising money for CanCare may not help Stella directly. However, I can help this wonderful organization fill in gaps left by friends and family who are far from loved ones. My prayer is that there are women, fighters AND friends, who will be blessed by CanCare’s service and support.

My training to run 26.2 miles is a time I am able to pray healing prayers over Stella. It gives me hours a week to declare the Lord’s power and protection over her amazing family.

Please consider being a part of my journey to give CanCare some financial support to be a blessing. Whatever your heart feels led to do would be so appreciated: Even if it is just $10-$20 Anything would be such a help.

I pray you are blessed to find a friendship as I have. I pray if you are faced with a battle such as cancer that you have that friend, right beside you, to fight it TOGETHER.

Thank you so very much for your time. Now I’ve gotta put this Mint Double Stuffed Oreo down cause I’ve got some miles to run! 🙂

Life is such a precious gift ~ we must cherish each moment!

Donate to Tina’s Personal Fundraising Page HERE.