A few months ago I took on the project of building a new church website for Journey Church where my wife and I attend. This wasn’t a task that I just raised my hand for, I volunteered because it’s my passion and a place God has wired (no pun intended) me. I’ll let others debate if it’s a spiritual gift or not, but I know this much….we should serve the church where our passion meets our knowledge. When that happens, the church is alive with people serving each other and advancing His Kingdom.

Building our website has already been a wonderful experience. Meeting new people across the web that are building great tools for churches. My friends at uroomtech.com are just one example. We’re using 2 of their products on our website and excited about even further opportunities. Now comes a new project from a group called “The Table Project“. When I saw this video, I could not wait to get my hands on an invitation. THIS is what we’ve been looking for. I’m thrilled to say that last night, Journey Church was accepted and we should get started with The Table soon. Check out this video and I will update you in the future on how well this is working for us.