July was all about love. Well there was that little “decision” by Lebron James that wasn’t really all that lovely, but otherwise it was great. I dedicated the month of July to doing a blog series on 1 Corinthians 13 otherwise known as “The Love Chapter”.

Before we got to that, I started by looking at the relationship between a boy and his mom.

I also had a REALLY off day or was it a day off?

We looked at The Dad Life

My family and I had the blessing of being invited to the Tribe Social Media Deck.

We looked at being blessed, replacing the mental filter, talking in defense and moving clouds.

For the Love Chapter, I covered it means nothing, patient, kind, self seeking and rude.

Lastly, I covered the Lebron James decision. Based on statistics, two of the biggest posts of the year were “Son, there’s only one King” and “The Best Decision” which featured the clip below from David Robinson. While Lebron has received a lot of press and attention, David Robinson gave us all a reminder of what should really matter and what’s important.
