In order to avoid doing a “New Year” post or reflecting any further on 2010, I thought I would give a quick guitar update. Let me introduce you all to my Christmas present…perfectly named by “the boy”…Charlotte. About 6 weeks ago, I told you all that I went on a shopping trip with my friend and worship leader Ted. We tried many guitars but in my heart of hearts, I wanted one that was black and I love the brand “Takamine”. The only problem was that my budget and Takamine were not in the same discussion. All of the guitars that were black were not built with a spruce top and not the best I could do for my money. We found a very nice Fender acoustic which I promptly named “Carolina”.

After Christmas, my friends at Guitar Center started running their promotions. Wouldn’t you know that one of them offered a significant amount of money off of a purchase. When I found the black Takamine guitar you see pictured above, added in a Takamine guitar case and subtracted the savings, I was actually coming out ahead of what I had spent on the Fender and a case. I was as excited as our children were when they tore through their gifts on Christmas morning. Guitar center allowed me to exchange everything (since it was still within the Christmas return time) and I picked up my new guitar last week. Thrilled doesn’t even begin to cover my emotions.

Charlotte and I have been getting to know one another and it has been wonderful. I have said it before but Guitar Center has the finest customer service I have experienced in a long, long time. Give them business if you are in the market. I’m sure I’ll have more stories about Charlotte throughout 2011. For now I thought it would be nice to introduce her to all of my friends.

On the journey….