On New Years Day, “the boy” and I ran in an annual 5K. This was my third year to run this race and his first. I run 4 to 5 times a week, he never runs. I’m also 30 years older than he is with a lot more miles. While his pace is about 3 minutes slower than mine per mile, it’s all about the journey. It’s about the time together. I don’t care where we finish, I’m just glad we did it. So is he.

As we finished the race, a man standing at the finish line said “Way to guide him home Dad“. That stuck with me all the way home. I just kept thinking….”isn’t that what we are called to do?”

The weather was windy, cold and rainy on New Years Day. “The boy” was also getting over a cold. We were all up late the night before and had plans for later in the day. These were all easy reasons to just pass on the race and stay home. It wasn’t going to be easy but there was a medal waiting on us at the finish line.

That pretty much sums up our lives as parents. It’s not easy. There are times and days when you just want to let them do what they want and pass on the tough stuff. There are times on the course when they have to stop and walk. The “training” we have been through prepares us for the race while they may need to stop and walk. We know what the course is like and they may not know what they are in for.

We need to walk when they need to walk

We need to run when they can run

We need to encourage when it’s tough

We need to cheer when it’s over

We need to guide them home…

Fathers, do not provoke your children to anger by the way you treat them. Rather, bring them up with the discipline and instruction that comes from the Lord.Ephesians 6:4