Man…I hate it when that happens. Well, I actually love when this happens and hate it at the same time. Let me explain. You know how you get one of those random “signs” from God. Then you get another and another and another? All connected, all the same theme? Yep. I love that and I hate it too. It’s exciting and scary at the same time. So here has been the theme all week…


It started small but seems to be leading to something. God is laying on my heart in a BIG ol’ way that there are causes to be considered, things to be done and it’s time to start getting creative. The latest in the string of “signs” came tonight when I got an email invitation to preview a new book called, get this, “The Cause Within You” by Matthew Barnett.

Are you serious?

Yep. So causes has been a theme written on my heart this week and now I’ve got an opportunity to read a book written specifically about this very subject. Matthew Barnett is the Pastor of an incredible ministry in LA called “The Dream Center“. I think this guy just might have a thing or two to teach about causes and finding yours. The Dream Center is an example of what can happen when one man catches the wave of his cause and rides is wherever God leads. Amazing.

I’m looking forward to diving into the book when I receive it and I’ll keep you all posted on what I find. Until then check out his website (HERE), the facebook page (HERE), his Twitter feed (HERE) and ask yourself this question….

What’s Your Cause?