I often troll Youtube for videos of potential songs we will sing at Journey Church. Once I receive the worship set for the upcoming Sunday, I use the videos to practice my guitar along with. I have found a trend in many of the videos that, if I’m honest, I get a bit jealous of. Maybe jealous isn’t the right word, but it’s the only one that comes to mind right now. What I see are people coming to worship the God of this universe completely SOLD OUT. They sing with hands raised, unaware of their surrounding, uninhabited by the “stuff” they brought into the service with them. One goal, One focus, One God. It raises the question…

Are we waiting to sell out our worship experience until we get to the big party in the sky?

Doesn’t God deserve it on this side of Heaven? Isn’t the very air that I breathe on this day enough to fall to my knees and sing to the One who deserves so much more than my voice in song?

Are you sold out?

Is your worship service sold out?

What would it take to bring “up there…down here”?

As you enter your worship Sunday, leave what is troubling you at the foot of the cross. Raise your hands and your voice in honor of the Lord that covered it all, cares for it all and knows it all. I believe He’s earned it.

This Sunday….be a sell out.