Tis the season of love (Valentines Day that is) and I’m giving away some CRAZY LOVE!! More specifically I am giving away the wicked great new CD by the guys from Hawk Nelson. If you are a Hawk Nelson fan you will crazy love this CD. If you’re not a fan of Hawk Nelson or have not heard them than you really should be! Thanks to my friend Lori at Overture Media, I have become a pretty big fan of this band. This CD does not disappoint. Driven by the book “Crazy Love” by Francis Chan, Hawk Nelson set out to create lyrics that remind us of the love that the God of this universe has for each one of us. I’ll do a review soon, but trust me when I say this CD is great.

So…who wants a copy? I‘m giving ONE COPY of “Crazy Love” away through this blog. Here’s how it’s going to work..

In the comments section, tell me at least one person that you “Crazy Love” and why. Don’t be shy. I will even give you the gift of going second by saying that I “Crazy Love” my beautiful bride and 3 children. That’s no secret, but they make me the man I am today. They challenge me, shape me and keep me accountable. I am blessed by every moment in their presence.

Simple…right? Leave your comment below. On Friday night, I will take each name that left a comment and put them into the lucky Carolina Tar Heel hat. I’ll have my kids draw the winner on video and we will post it here on the blog. Leave a comment, check back Friday night/Saturday morning-ish and we’ll have our winner.