I’m a pretty big twitter user, but I honestly never follow the “trending topics”. For those unfamiliar with twitter, there is a way of tagging your “tweets” and when enough people are talking about the same thing, it makes a top 10 list of sorts on Twitter. So it’s a list of hot topics so to speak. It’s usually filled with current news and important topics. So when I read a tweet today that referred to Rob Bell being on this list..I was concerned.

I’ve read all of Rob Bell’s books (Velvet Elvis, Sex God, Jesus Wants To Save Christians) and have always enjoyed his questions. I don’t idolize him. I don’t worship him. I read his books. In case you missed it, Rob Bell has a new book and John Piper isn’t a fan.


One single tweet and we’ve got Rob Bell trending on Twitter. Rob Bell is being called a “Universalist” (which he may or may not be). A 60 second promo for a book that isn’t out yet and a release from the publisher and many are jumping to conclusions. Sadly, a majority of the tweets were people who, in my opinion, have had a bone to pick with Rob Bell and this was their chance to tee off. I’ve stewed on this whole thing a bit all day today. Here are my random thoughts.

Wouldn’t it be amazing if the trending topic on twitter was “Jesus”, “Caring For the Less Fortunate” or “Bible”?

I understand that Rob Bell reaches millions with his message. I understand the concern over what that message might just be. What I don’t support or approve of is a brother-in-Christ (John Piper), publicly throwing stones at Rob Bell. John Piper has a pretty huge following too. Thus the twitter spike. If Piper has a question or problem with Bell, maybe he should follow scripture and approach him personally…not on twitter.

In a week that saw us hear simply unbelievable and clearly non-Christian views from Charlie Sheen, we are choosing to publicly tear down Rob Bell? I honestly might have missed it, but were we trending Charlie Sheen with tweets about praying for his salvation? He’s got a pretty big following too (number one comedy in America according to CBS).

At the end of the day, I’m not here to judge Rob Bell. Clearly, he has enough critics and/or fans. I said it on twitter and I’ll say it again here….my concern, my heart and my focus should be on the less fortunate, the unsaved, my neighbors and those that God places in my path each and every day. The public display of our tearing one another down is unfortunate and quite honestly disappointing.

I once had a Pastor friend that was wrapped up in a sin. When it was found out, the Church he was a part of literally ran him out of town. No restoration. No love. Simply a public announcement on a Sunday morning about how “terrible this sin was” and how “he won’t be a part of our fellowship anymore”. I sat in my pew and thought about the many others there that day carrying a sin. I thought about the message we were sending by clearly saying he wasn’t allowed in our Church. What about me? What about my sin? What will happen if they found out? Do I get the same treatment?

We need to remember the walls of our faith are glass and everyone can see inside. Believe me, they are looking…even on twitter.