I was just about  to log off the computer for the evening and thought I would check my email one last time. Below is an email from a friend of mine that considered moving to Japan a few years ago with his job but elected to stay in the states. Turns out he is in Japan right now and was there for the earthquake. Please lift up my friend Darrin in prayer and all of those that have been effected by this tragic event.


I know you are a prayer warrior!  Hey, I’m here in Japan with 4 other colleagues – Shizuoka, Japan.  (~10miles inland and at the base of Mt. Fuji) and South of Tokyo.  We are safe and have shelter in a Hotel.  We were due to come home today (Saturday) but probably will not be able to make it to the Airport until sometime Monday or Tuesday.  Please pray for our safety and for me to have some positive impact on everyone as I can share the confidence I have with GOD.  I’ve already had several great conversations with a non-believer.  Dude, the earthquake was something else to feel yesterday.  The building we were in started shaking – we had no idea of the impact it would have on the rest of the country.  If you don’t mind, give my wife a call to assure her once again we are OK – with God, what do we have to fear?

Talk to you soon.
