After two days of wall to wall basketball and 32 teams have ended their season, we can now begin to focus on every game getting that much tougher. So far, the brackets look pretty strong. Clemson, Penn St. Louisville, Xavier and St. Johns all let me down. Otherwise, we’re in pretty good shape entering day 3. Below are some random thoughts from the first two days of the tournament.

I am amazed at how athletic, quick and yet undisciplined many of these teams are. The Georgia/Washington game last night was a good example. It was like watching a coached pickup game.

I love watching a team with a great press. I also like watching a team with a great press break. Both take great concentration and rely so heavily on every player knowing their role.

Free throw shooting continues to be a real problem for so many players. It’s a lost art.

Unbelievably, Michigan beat Tennessee by 30 points and didn’t make a single free throw.

Can we do something about the charge rule in College basketball? It is such a split second and subjective call. Even the players know it’s a 50/50 (for some teams it’s more like a 70/30….you know who I’m talking about) call. At the minimum, they need that arc below the hoop.

I’d love nothing more than to see my beloved Tar Heels take on my hometown Ohio State Buckeyes in the elite 8, but I think the probability of that matchup is highly unlikely. IF they can get past Washington, the zone defense of Syracuse (assuming they beat Marquette) could signal the end of the road for a great season. No regrets or complaints. Based on all that has happened to the Heels since last season, it’s been a great ride.

Hopefully it continues.