Yesterday was what my wife called “A day in my heaven”. As you know, “the boy” and I love college basketball. We live in Columbus, Ohio so THE Ohio State Buckeyes are our second favorite team (I’ll give you one guess what our favorite team is). Thanks to my good friend “D-Rich”, we had the opportunity to go to Cleveland yesterday for the Buckeyes game against George Mason. As luck would have it, the NCAA scheduled the Tar Heel game for 12:15 and the Buckeyes game for 5:15. We live about 2 hours from Cleveland so the timing couldn’t have been more perfect.

After an awesome worship service and sermon at Journey Church, we came home for a quick lunch and to cheer on our Tar Heels. As soon as that incredible game ended (Tar Heels in the Sweet 16!!!), we ran out the door and headed north for Cleveland. Cleveland will always be “home” so I love getting the opportunity to go back. The game was great and the Buckeyes looked unbeatable. The Heels and Buckeyes are on a collision course for the Elite 8 which will be a strange day if it comes to pass.

After the Buckeyes game we hung around to watch Marquette and Syracuse play. The winner of that game plays the Tar Heels next weekend in New Jersey. What an awesome opportunity to see two teams we normally wouldn’t see in this neck of the woods. The game came down to the final seconds with Marquette winning. We were hoping Marquette would win as the Heels matchup a little better against them. Doesn’t mean they will win, but they do match up better.

Big thanks to “D-Rich” for the offer and the tickets. “The Boy” and I have a great time making lasting memories. It really was a day in our heaven.