A little over a year ago, my lovely bride and I made our way to Nashville Tennessee for the Country Music Half Marathon. Little did we know that there would be an instant connection with this incredible city. I like to believe we left a part of our hearts there. In the weeks that followed the half marathon, the city of Nashville would experience flooding that no one expected. Our hearts were broken for our new friends and a city that adopted us.

For several months now, we have debated back and forth on if we would return this year for the half marathon. Some physical set backs have made training and getting the endurance back to 13.1 miles difficult for me this winter. It was a few weeks ago, after one particularly difficult run, I declared that I was out. It was tough because we have developed some very close friends in Nashville (through social media and other outlets) and were really looking forward to meeting up again.

Yesterday I was reminded again that the race is just a two hour distraction to a much bigger weekend. My lovely bride was kind enough to agree not to go, but really wanted to return to Nashville. I tried to ignore my hearts desire to return as well. During a 5 mile run today (which wasn’t pretty), I decided that the relationships, the people, our hearts and my wife’s desire are so much bigger than 13.1 miles. If I have to walk that stupid race, I’ll do it! We love Nashville and treasure our friends there. I just completed our sign up and hotel reservations.

As of this moment….The Nashville Half Marathon is ON!!

See you all April 29th – May 1st!