By now, many of you have probably seen the trailers or heard about the upcoming movie called “Soul Surfer“. If you have missed the trailers, you most likely have heard the story of Bethany Hamilton. Bethany is the competitive surfer that was attacked by a shark while surfing one day with friends. Her story captured all that heard it as she would eventually make her return to competition with only one arm.

On April 8th, Soul Surfer officially opens in theaters across america (click link to find one). As one who had the opportunity to see it about a month ago, I can tell you that you will want to reserve your tickets for this incredible film. With an all-star cast and a story that will inspire you, Soul Surfer will no doubt be a film that many are talking about. It is a family friendly film and that doesn’t mean they were tight on the budget. The acting is true to the story and very well done. As a father, more than once I was moved by the story and the close knit family.

Do yourself a favor and make a date to see Soul Surfer when it hits theaters next weekend.