What a fast 48 hours! My lovely bride and I left yesterday morning for New York City and the premier of Soul Surfer. Thanks to BuzzPlant our expenses were paid for the entire journey. We arrived in NYC in time to do some quick visits to area landmarks before getting dressed for the red carpet viewing last night.This was my brides first trip to The Big Apple so we tried to squeeze as much in as we could. After putting on our Sunday best, we arrived at the premier in time to find a nice place on the red carpet. Soon the entire Hamilton family, cast and crew would arrive for an intimate and private viewing of this incredible film.

After the credits rolled, we were given the treat of questions and answers with the entire cast, crew and family. We were joined by several members of the media so the Q&A time was great insight into the making of this film. Bethany Hamilton is exquisite, incredible, inspiring and wonderful. Her involvement in the film is beyond belief. I cannot wait to see the film do very special things in the box office and the hearts and lives of all that see it. I cannot begin to thank Team Buzzplant for this wonderful opportunity. We had an incredible time and crossed several items off of our “bucket list”.

Now for some photos:
