I would like to thank John Hughes for officially creating a nightmare for my generation (the 80’s). It’s okay to admit your age and admit that you have seen films like “The Breakfast Club”, “Sixteen Candles” and “Pretty in Pink” more than once. Most of these are cult classics now. However, there was this recurring theme in each of these films that goes against everything that this world would have us believe. You see, contrary to the plot, the people that are different and do what is right don’t always get to go to the prom with the most popular person in the end. They don’t get crowned Prom King or Queen because they were different and made decisions that were unpopular.

What I am trying to say is that there are times, even now, that decisions you make are not always popular. Matter of fact, there are times when they are downright painful. Unlike these 80’s films, the tough decisions don’t always magically lead to a happy ending (aka the prom). However, you do it because it’s the right thing to do. I repeat that, you do it because it’s the RIGHT THING TO DO. The world would have us believe otherwise. There is a lyric that says “It’s better to be hated for who you are than be loved for who you’re not”. Another lyric said “I’d rather be a fool in the eyes of man than a fool in the eyes of God”. Most importantly the man that I attempt to pattern my life after did EVERYTHING against what was popular and what they told him to do.

All the way to Calvary.

The least I can do is follow His lead.

The 80’s generation is grown up now and we don’t have a prom to attend anymore. I think I would probably miss it if it meant doing what was popular and not what was right. If it meant not being who I have committed my life to being, in order to be in the “in crowd”. If it means being held hostage to making the wrong decision when I know I should do what’s right. I choose what’s right. Even if it isn’t turned into an 80’s cult classic film. I like the true story better.

I never liked the Prom anyway……

*originally posted August, 2005