In the morning my lovely bride and I will push off for Nashville, Tennessee. If you’ve been around the blog for any period of time you know that we love this city. Heck, I’m going to put myself through 13.1 miles of running and agony just for an excuse to get back there again. I couldn’t be more serious in saying that. This weekend is turning out to be a VERY interesting visit…

and we haven’t even left yet….

As the great philosopher George Costanza used to say “Worlds are colliding”!!! You’re probably already aware of many of the ways that the avenues of this weekend are all coming to one intersection (friends, the race, love of the city). There are others as well. What I can say is that all week long I have been amazed at two very important things we all must have on this journey…

Trust in the Father

Great community of friends.

With some very uncertain things pending in the not so distant future, all that we can do is place our trust in God. That doesn’t mean sit by and “wait” for Him to show up. We must be active participants in our future. What it means to me is placing the burdens, fears, details and “how” into His very capable hands. Move when led. Be still when it’s time. Be encouraged, excited, overwhelmed and in awe.

Trust the Father.

I am never at a loss when it comes to my appreciation of so many very special people in my life. Blessing doesn’t even begin to describe what each person means to me. It’s not what they do FOR me, it’s what they mean TO me. God has placed some incredible, gifted, giving, selfless people in my path and it’s my privilege to count them as friends. I fear my return of that friendship often falls short, yet they still answer the bell and continue to pour into my life.

Great community of friends.

Add it all up and all of those things are headed into Nashville this weekend. We’re praying for a few answers to questions (which ironically might come sometime tomorrow). We’re headed south knowing that Saturday night is going to be a time of fellowship that even I couldn’t put together. We’re looking forward to spending some time together as husband and wife. Worlds are colliding and I love it.

If I forget to tell you all on Monday, I had a great time this weekend….