Every so often a book comes along that hits you right between the eyes. Friends, “Daddy Dates” by Greg Wright is just that book. If you’ve got daughters (young or old), this is a book you MUST read. From the very first chapter, I was captured by the concept and felt like I would be writing it myself. Immediately, Greg Wright takes you into his story by telling how he (a business man) went off to a cabin by himself to compose a “business plan” for raising 4 girls. I won’t steal the thunder of the chapter, but he ended it with a simple phrase….”don’t screw this up”.

The backbone of his dating concept is that we need to pursue our little girls like we pursued our wives when we were dating. You know what I’m talking about Dads. As Greg pointed out, he wasn’t a great boyfriend, but he was really good at dating. There is so much that is pure and rich in this book. I loved every story, every concept and every detail. I can’t wait to put this plan into action with my little girls too. Without taking too much away, let me give you just one gem from the book.

Rules – Relationship = Rebellion

Relationship – Rules = Destruction

Relationship + Rules = Connection

That is just as true with our boys as it is with our girls. Watch the preview clip below for even more about the book. Wives, get this for your Husband for Fathers Day. I can’t think of a better gift for them AND your daughters. It is probably the most personal and best book I’ve read this year.

I give “Daddy Dates” a 5 out of 5!

Disclosure of Material Connection: Thomas Nelson Publishers sent me a free copy of this book as part of their bloggers book review program. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255 : “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.”