I can’t get over how timely  this book appeared in my mailbox to review. I still find it rather amusing. In the midst of some pretty large decisions, “Making the Best of a Bad Decision” by Erwin W. Lutzer shows up for me to review. I’m really hoping this was more of a warning and wise council and not a sign that decisions I’m making are going to go “bad”. I’m actually glad I had the book to read and consider as we look ahead.

Erwin W. Lutzer is senior pastor of the Moody Church in Chicago. What I found as I read the book is basically a series of sermons that you would hear on a Sunday morning related to decision making. With each topic, Lutzer doesn’t just give his words or thoughts, he ties them to moments in scripture. This brings merit to what he is saying and reminds us of Gods role before, during and after the decision making process. The chapters are broken out as follows:

1. The Worst Decision Ever Made
2. When You’ve Chosen Second Best
3. When You’ve Married Trouble
4. When You’ve Crossed a Moral Boundary
5. When You’ve Made a Bad Financial Decision
6. When You’re in the Wrong Vocation
7. When You’ve Hurt Others
8. How to Make Wise Decisions
9. The Worst Decision You Could Possibly Make

There is also a discussion guide included at the end of the book. I think one of the strongest quotes I read early in the book was this:

Making bad choices can become a downward spiral.

How true is that brief, yet wise statement? If you’ve ever made a poor decision…and another…and another…and, well, you get the idea. If you’ve been fortunate in your life to make all the right decisions, you’ve certainly seen this play out in someone close to you. Poor decision followed by another one that should have made the first one better, yet it only got worse. Lutzer does a good job of pointing to stories we all know like Adam and Eve, the Israelites and David. I love when he said “bad decisions cannot be undone, but they can be redeemed”. Amen?

Overall, I found “Making the Best of a Bad Decision” to be a good reminder of our incredible need to consult step in step with God on every decision in our lives. We will make bad decisions as it is in our nature (thanks Adam and Eve). Yet God redeems even the bad decisions when we stay obedient and surrender our will to His greater wisdom.

I give “Making the Best of a Bad Decision” a 3 out of 5.

Disclosure of Material Connection: Tyndale House Publisers sent me a free copy of this book as part of their bloggers book review program. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255 : “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.”