On the desk in my office, there sit two printed out job descriptions.

Two totally different companies.

Two totally different opportunities.

Both could mean a relocation (one does for sure). They sit there even though I am currently still doing what I’ve done every day for the last 5 years (11 with the same employer). They also sit there because acquisitions, the economy and strategic plans have forged a reorganization from the top down. All decisions are being made in a vacuum and we all…..wait.

In many ways, I am like a contestant on the old show “Let’s Make A Deal”. There are three doors:

Door #1 – Reorganization is over and my position still exists.

Door #2 – Reorganization is over, position is eliminated, new position assigned

Door #3 – Reorganization is over, pat on the back, severance package in hand…unemployed.

Now you can understand why on the desk in my office, there sit two printed out job descriptions.

You can imagine what discussions around our dinner table have been like lately. To be honest, I would love to make a major announcement, but right now, there is nothing to announce. There are the three doors and the two job description opportunities on my desk. There are endless possibilities about how this could go, where we could be and what I will call my career. I’ve tried to walk the line between allowing God to be God and being an active participant in His greater plans. I’ve also tried to be wise and seek council along this journey.

Yet in the midst of uncertainty, there is a peace. I have a wife that is strong when I can’t be, focused when I’m not, supportive when I’m frustrated and steady when I need a reminder. I have employment today. I have 3 children that I adore. I know that no matter what door I choose, which career I end up in, where we call home, those 3 children and that amazing wife are constants. God is my rock, they are my foundation.

That’s a deal I don’t deserve but accept with arms wide open….