I love how bold I can be when with my list of terms and conditions. Does anyone else do this? Here’s what I’m talking about…

Lord, I’ll take this opportunity of it pays (insert absurd salary figure here)

Lord, I’ll know that it’s you if I see (insert crazy request here)

You get the idea. I can get really bold and courageous, talking the game, saying all the right “Jesus stuff”. Then faith requires action and it gets interesting. Faith requires that we scrap our terms and conditions and step into those that we might not like.

“When we say that we want to be His disciple, yet attach a list of conditions, Jesus refuses to accept our terms. His terms involve unconditional surrender.”

-Richard Stearns (The Hole In Our Gospel)

I read that and thought…uncool. I like my terms and conditions better. I like the feeling like I’m the guy in control. I get to name the price, the salary, the location, the dates….or do I? See being obedient means unconditionally surrendering those details. It means trusting that Gods plan and timing will be smoother to the open hand. I can grip tightly to my terms and conditions and complain as my hand is pried apart….or…I could release the control.

The choice is mine.

The terms and conditions are not.