WARNING!!! This will be a very random post! It is, however, a glimpse into a day in our family. I’m sure yours are just as crazy.

So I go out to put water on the still smoldering fire pit (from the night before) this morning and return to a living room full of chaos. Our youngest is explaining that our oldest broke a bowl of oatmeal. This would not explain why there is oatmeal sprayed (literally) from the kitchen to the eating area and in the living room. Like it exploded. I’m still unclear on the series of events, but it involved “the boy” getting burned by said oatmeal and then running around the house (which explains why it was everywhere). He has blisters but was able to compete at a 4 hour basketball camp, pitch and hit a triple in a baseball scrimmage tonight.

Later in the day our lovely dog “Wubzzy” was going crazy at the back door like he always does when he sees a bird, squirrel or any other animal he won’t catch. So I let him out. Either the bird was injured or Wubzzy drank a 5 hour energy because “Wubzzy….we have a problem”. A bird in the mouth of a dog is never a nice moment. Luckily my “outside voice” scared him enough to drop “Tweety” and it limped away under it’s own power.

The bird is currently listed as day-to-day.

I close this crazy post and day with a word of thanks. To all of those from the interwebs, twitter and neighborhood that continue to carry the mat with us. I sat down at 11:15 to check the email before heading to bed. It’s 12:15 and I’m still sitting here. I had emails and messages to return from people supporting, encouraging and just letting us know they are praying! You all rock. Seriously. So blessed by the brotherhood of guys in my life both locally and across the US. It’s a pleasure serving side by side in life with you all. Lord only knows what tomorrow will bring. Literally.

So…how was YOUR day?