Yesterday was a tough day. When you’re at at a high level in the business world, there will be days like yesterday. When your organization is constantly growing, acquiring and merging, there will be days like yesterday. It’s tough to see good people asked to leave because there just are not enough places for everyone. It’s tough when you’re not sure you’ll make it through the latest restructuring as well.

Enter Chick-Fil-A.

The greatness of Chick-Fil-A has been well documented. They have long understood the importance of family and community. As a large supporter of All Pro Dad, they have already done much to support Dads spending time with their children. Last night, they hosted a “Daddy Daughter Date Night” at their restaurants in the Columbus area. It was the perfect remedy for a tough day.

My girls were so excited for this night. Our youngest has been counting down the days for about 2 weeks. They both carefully selected their outfits and had Mommy help them with their hair. When we arrived at Chick-Fil-A we were greeted by a canopy outside the entrance, balloons and a sign that said “Dads and Daughters Please Wait To Be Seated”. There was soft music playing overhead and much of the restaurant had been transformed into a fine dining experience.

Once we were seated, the girls were each given a flower. There were flowers on the table and a menu to order from in a leather bound booklet. Employees took our drink and dinner orders and made sure we had everything we needed. On the table there were questions for Dads to ask Daughters and vice versa. Things like their favorite color, movie, thing about their Dad and vacation. It was great interaction and discussion time. It is so important. We had a wonderful time.

I can’t get over the difference between the morning and the evening. I spent the day trudging through a tough business day. I spent the evening enjoying my daughters and a company that continues to stand on principles, morals and do the opposite of what our culture says to do. It is no coincidence that they are wildly successful. The place was packed last night. Not an empty seat in the house. Dads and Daughters connecting, laughing and enjoying one another.

It was the perfect prescription for what I needed. Thank you to my girls. Thank you to Chick-Fil-A.
