I’m not sure if you’re following the Cross Point Church Summer Slam Series, but we attend their online services weekly. This sermon hit me on so many levels. It goes straight to many of the things I have been wrestling with (the Summer Slam is appropriate). I love his thoughts on Nashville, their service to that city and missions. Love me some Cross Point Church!

This weekend, Jon Acuff, author of “Stuff Christians Like” and most recently, “Quitter” is speaking on “Today vs. Tomorrow”. Follow the service @ 7:00pm (EST) HERE.

Click HERE to watch the sermons thus far in the series.


“You realize it was supposed to be “The God of Abraham, Isaac and Esau” but because of a bowl of stew, he was erased from the analogs of time”.

“Discontentment can cause us to throw away everything that we are”.

“Have you traded your legacy for a lie?”

“Discontentment keeps us so focused on ourselves that it becomes the archenemy of change”.

“Discontentment is the kind of thing that lives in the shadows”

“You can tell a lot about our country by the amount of debt it has”.

“We’ve financed our discontentment in this country”.

“Nashville breeds dreamers”

“We (Cross Point) are a micro-church with a mega vision”