After seeing Soul Surfer (3 times now) and meeting the entire Hamilton family in New York for the Soul Surfer Premier, I didn’t think I could have more respect for Bethany Hamilton than I already do. Then I saw the video below yesterday. I’m not going to lie, I got choked up on at least two occasions. There should not be a cancer hospital for children. Its one of those things I just don’t understand.

As you will see, Bethany continues to shine her light in the wave (pun intended) of the tragedy which happened to her. As you will also see, she recently suffered another road block and injury. It appears as though she is going to be okay, but there were some scary moments as she was dealing with loss of feeling…in her good arm. Bethany has wisdom beyond her years. She has the determination to make beauty from ashes. She lives Isaiah 61: 1-3. She spreads the message to inspire others.

Like me.

Full Video (HERE)