On Sunday my son had a double header that, if they won both games, would make them champions of their division. It has been a great ride this summer. As we drove to the games, the song “If Heaven Wasn’t So Far Away” by Justin Moore came across the radio. In the backseat, I could hear all three of my kids singing along. I had one of those moments when your heart…hurts.

In those moments between home and the ballfields, I quickly thought of how much I wish my Mom could see her grandkids now. She’d be so proud. If Heaven wasn’t so far away…

I’d tell her how much I miss her.

I’d tell her how much her grandson has grown into such a quiet leader and exceptional athlete.

She’d remind me to be more impressed with WHO he is but also proud of his accomplishments.

I’d tell her about her granddaughters and how beautiful they are.

I’d tell her about the success of our middle daughter in gymnastics and how a mom at the pool was telling me how much her daughter follows her influence.

I’d tell her about our youngest child and her love of laughter and creativity.

She’d remind me to continue to build their character and the beauty would come naturally.

I’d tell her about my bride and how much we are one unit. One team. One.

She’d remind me how hard she prayed for her, even before we know who she was.

If only Heaven wasn’t so far away…