During my quiet time this morning I was reading Philippians 1. Pauls “Thanksgiving and Prayer” in verses 3 – 11 are something I’ll have to do a post on another day. There is just so much that is rich and true in those verses. Yet it was verse 14 that really jumped out at me.

Because of my chains, most of the brothers in the Lord have been encouraged to speak the word of God more courageously and fearlessly.

“Because of my chains”. Because of what I am going through. Because of this struggle, this fight, people are being encouraged to speak the word of God more courageously and fearlessly. How about that? Ever pictured your struggle to be something that is inspiring others to speak with courage and without fear?

Me either.

Just hitting up the twitter feed this morning was a reminder that it seems we’re all in chains of some kind. Rough day at the office. Unspoken prayer request. Bad news, struggles and unexpected things happening to many people. Oh how different this could look if we would consider our chains and struggle to be something which inspires others to speak the word of God more courageously and fearlessly.

If you’re facing chains today, let’s commit to one other that we will view them through the lens of inspiration for another on the journey. It won’t make the chains go away, but it might make them feel a little lighter knowing that others are watching. Others are gaining inspiration.

Because of our chains….