On a Saturday in April, my wife and I sat at a little cafe just outside of Nashville, Tennessee.  For the second year in a row, we were in Nashville to take part in the Country Music Half Marathon. For the second time in as many years we talked about how we left a small part of our hearts there. It was a perfect day with temperatures in the 80’s and a gentle breeze. As we sat on the outdoor patio, we talked and maybe even dreamed about what life would be like…in Nashville. We agreed to pray for open doors.

Fast forward to today. Out of respect for a process that continues to take place and in order to be sensitive to all involved, I need to leave out specific details here. That being said, on Saturday, we will board a flight bound for Nashville, Tennessee. On the other end of that flight will be discussions and a process of getting to know some people that will be instrumental in either opening or closing doors to Nashville for my entire family. Simply put, if the doors remain open, we will walk through them…all the way to Nashville. If, at any point, the doors close, we will trust Gods timing and plan and continue to live, serve and grow in Columbus, Ohio.

I have a feeling this post will come as a shock to some, but not to many. Our prayers for open doors have been what one friend called “the worst kept secret”. I will say the opportunity we are flying down to discuss is wonderful. I will also say that to even be in a position to have this opportunity is ALL GOD. I have nothing to do with the events which have led us to this trip. All I know to do is continue to walk through the doors He has clearly opened. Leaving the safe, the known, the same would never be easy. However when you trace Gods hand, you can’t miss His fingerprints. When you align the opportunity with our hearts, there is no doubt a match.

Nothing is known. But soon and very soon we will know. If the answer is “no”, I am a man that is so humbled and honored to even have been given the opportunity. No regrets. Chasing a dream, seeing Gods hand, growing in my walk with Him and meeting some incredible people is nothing to be ashamed of. While I have my hopes and dreams as to outcomes and potential, I trust God. I place my full future, and that of my family, in His very capable hands.

We will board a flight Saturday with Arms Wide Open. Soon and very soon, we’ll have an idea of Gods plan and future for us.

Stay tuned……