I have been so honored by the words, emails, text and conversations with so many people throughout this process and especially after my post yesterday. The response has been so special. For that I thank you all. Given the unique circumstances and the need to keep the details private for now, I am often asked “what should we pray for” or “how would you like us to pray”. Jokingly, more than a few folks have offered to pray for what THEY want. The best thing I can tell you all is this….

Pray what we’re praying.

Pray for Gods will.

Since that day in April and all the way through this weekend, my wife and I will be praying for Gods will. Nothing more, nothing less. While we many have hopes, dreams and visions of what could be, if they don’t match His will for our lives and our family, then they are just dreams. We know He will make His will clear if we listen, trust, pray and be patient.

I so appreciate your prayers and your willingness to partner in this journey even if you don’t know the details. Thank you for carrying the mat with us. Thank you for what each and every one of you mean to us.

Stay tuned……