Several people I know are attending the Global Leadership Summit this week in Chicago. It is an incredible collection of speakers with significant leadership and influence within the Church and marketplace today. Reading the tweets from those that are there was so inspiring. When I looked at todays lineup, one name jumped off the page right away…

SESSION 8: 4:00 – 5:00 – Erwin McManus – “Chasing Daylight”. 

I don’t want to say that jealousy ran through my blood for those that will be in that building tonight to hear Erwin speak, but jealousy ran through my blood for those that will be in that building tonight to hear Erwin speak. If you follow me on twitter, you have probably noted that I usually quote McManus (and “Chasing Daylight“) at least once a day. It has become a road manual for my journey. No other book (not including the Bible) has inspired me to want to run through a brick wall for The Kingdom. I have literally worn that book OUT.

If you’ve never read “Chasing Daylight”, I HIGHLY recommend it. If you have read it, maybe it’s time to go read it again. If for no other reason Erwin McManus is a graduate of the University of North Carolina (pause for respect….). In all seriousness, it really is a great read.