Yesterday all of the families of the Red Barons got together one last time to have an end-of-year celebration. It was an opportunity to recognize and celebrate a back-to-back championship and the accomplishments of the team. Each player had a moment with the coach where he talked about their individual accomplishments as well. The team vs opponent statics told a story of a very dominant summer of baseball. For example, the team ERA for the Red Barons was around 4.00. Opponents ERA…14.00.

I’ve covered it HERE, HERE and HERE, but “the boy” had a very special season too. Check out these stats and remember….he is 10 years old.

Pitching – 23 Innings Pitched, 3.91 ERA, 41 Strikeouts, 18 Walks, 1.26 WHIP.

Hitting – .596 Batting Average, 26 RBI, 10 Walks, 6 Strikeouts, .667 On Base %, .681 Slugging % in 57 plate appearances.

He started each game of the end of season tournament at pitcher. His line from the tournament:

7 Innings Pitched – 11 strikeouts – 1 walk – 1 earned run in 3 games.

Now a word or two from his coach…

Leaving this team and this group of coaches/kids would be one of the tougher parts of potentially moving. I mean that in all sincerity. They have been a blessing to our family on many levels. I am most thankful that his coaches gave him the gift of the love of the game again. That is something I cannot repay.

Great job 50. It really was a special season.