Late Friday afternoon, I twittered the following:!/aaronaconrad/status/104636984382861312

To be honest, I couldn’t help it. It had been a long day. It had been a long week. As a matter of fact, it’s been a long couple of months. Emotions have run high and low and the daily grind has left me completely spent. I do stop short of calling it “tough” though. Because it’s not tough. If I needed perspective on “tough”, check out the Prologue to Jeremy Camp’s upcoming book called “I Still Believe“:

It’s Time…

I’m not exactly sure how many minutes had passed when one of the friends gathered next door peeked into the room where I lay sprawled on the floor, crying out to God, weeping and longing.

“Jeremy”, my friend said softly, “it’s time”.

I rose and walked back toward the other room, crying all the way. I couldn’t believe it, but I knew: The moment had arrived to say goodbye to my wife.

In the moments that followed, Jeremy Camp’s wife Melissa would breathe her last breath. Her battle with cancer would end. THAT, my friends, is “tough”. When I think a journey I am on is tough, I really try to remember that it is a very relative word. We’re all facing some kind of battle and sometimes it just takes some perspective to remember that what I’m battling or dealing with is NOTHING compared to what others will face today.

“I Still Believe” by Jeremy Camp will be in stores in September 5th. I’ll have a full review in the next few weeks.